19 Jan Give your prototype a soul using exhibits
We are working on a new concept!
Much will change over here in the next few weeks and I am very excited what the future will bring.
We decided to start working on a new prototype which is scaled a lot bigger than our past projects. At the moment we are planing active development for about three month for the first playable prototype. In preparation of this project and because our team changed a lot we went to Munich to visit the paleontological museum.
I know, it could be a crime for a lot of people to be forced to visit museums, but our artists and also the technical part of our team seemed to feel comfortable sketching together in Munich. It should be obvious now, that we are working on a project including dinosaurs and we cant’t wait to show you the first ingame capturings.
Like I mentioned before, our team changed. We are not only two programmers anymore, instead we are growing up to a team of 6 – 9 developers specialized in art and programming. There will be another blog-post about our new team in the *hopefully* near future. Additionally we try to leak some more informations about the new project, depending on our progress, but as always we wish to hold you as up to date as it is possible for us!
- Star Log One – Dev Diary #1 (Teaser) - 24.08.2017
- Welcome, Star Log One - 14.04.2017
- Photogrammetry … next gen assets? - 12.08.2016
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